SUMS members often like to run educational seminars which meet either weekly or bi-weekly. The format is usually not too formal or demanding, so if you are interested in attending a session, please feel free to simply show up. If you are interested in contributing to a seminar, contact the individual(s) leading.
For notes pertaining to the seminars, we use a wordpress page: SUMS Notes Dump.
Current Seminars
There is currently (Spring 2020) an undergraduate seminar which meets on Fridays at 2:30 in CLE A316. You can sign-up below for regular email updates, including announcements and abstracts of upcoming talks.
(Note: This is a separate mailing list than the one used for the newsletter. If you are only signed up for the newsletter, you will not receive seminar updates, and vice-versa)
For more information (including how you can get involved), you can contact Tyler at We are currently looking for more presenters, so don't hesitate to reach out!
Past Seminars
Spring 2018
An Introduction to Set Theory and Infinite Combinatorics
Todd Schmid,
CLE C113, M 1:30pm-2:20pm
Synchronization and Chaos
Zachary Adams,
MAC D287, T 2:30pm-3:20pm