pragmatics of the theoretical models and notions that I come up with, are
noticeable in my research notes, inventions, awards and publications.
I have currently published two scientific books regarding my new discoveries in
science on, U.S.A. referenced to the following URLs:
Philip Baback Alipour
3- E-print available at
Either volume include a CD demo describing the whole concept through a screensaver storyline on its own, relative to other simulation features of the grand idea.
Author's book collection page on
With a multicultural background
and multiple citizenships (Canadian,
mix of Armenian, Persian and else), I lived and spent most of my life in different
countries, born in the Philippines, raised in the U.S.A.
and now an active author in Canada, UK and Sweden.
So, writing is a convenient career to my research in expansion. Working hard
24/7 with a plausible aim in life, led me to become a humble research student
of our universe. I see myself 'to be most productive and creative' only in
serene environments where human chaos is not in view.
Relative to my postgraduate studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ironically, my hobby and passion navigate through the norms of physics, logic and general sciences in a homogeneous manner (unification of concepts rather than treating them heterogeneously). Nevertheless, my life endeavor in writing, invention, etc. was a personal approach to at least fulfill the needs of peak science-driven scenarios, useful to our global needs, ethics and well-being; as if, 'imagination' played a major role in my life, flourished into the membranes of my thought(s), defining any conceptual structure as the main key of success to my grand research. It is good to quote from Albert Einstein: 'Imagination is more important than knowledge,' gave me the very motive to pursue against archaic backlashes that I used to receive from unencouraging communal filters, now to be realized on a scale of personal achievements on-board against all the odds. One of which is more in terms of inventions such as an energy-matter replicator to feed our planet eliminating hunger while preserving our ecosystem and make this planet sustainable for all of us.
The Compulsory Force on force, its Grand Volume, is my first published book. However, parallel to this publication, there are 7 more volumes yet to publish, one basic version for general public, in support of my ongoing research activities pertinent to the book's framework. This requires relevant endorsers of the field to mostly concur on making my views practicable, like my new workable lossless data compression (LDC), the FBAR algorithm (see title below) that I have founded, coined and established by myself, whereby the M.Sc. thesis is evaluated as 1st or 'A' class amongst other theses via my peers at the BTH University, Computer Science (CS) and Software Engineering (SE) departments:
An Introduction and Evaluation of a Lossless Fuzzy Binary AND/OR Compressor
Senior Author: P. B. Alipour, Jr.: M. Ali, and Supervisor: N. Lavesson
Its 1st preprint release publication for Information Theory journals, based on its merits relative to its future models (of quantum information theory type) could be found on my Publications list. You may download the document for free whereas this compressor outperforms other known LDCs due to its uniqueness in entropic standards exhibiting fixed compression ratios rather than randomness displayed by other LDCs with Shannon codeword standards sold on the market. In conjunction with greatest fixed lossless compression levels in the shortest time possible > 87.5% compression leading to negentropy scenarios with infinitesimal spatial and temporal limits close to singularity. To this account, I have written a Ph.D. proposal with practicable VLDB management features included. (Please contact the author for an electronic copy of the Ph.D. proposal)
Current Publications on a Quantum Distance Metric
Author: P. B. Alipour, and Supervisor: T. A. Gulliver
The premise of a quantum binary AND/OR compressor is a new metric I am working on to publish before my Ph.D. defense in 2020.
current focus is on the scalar quantum double-field and distance metrics as the
idea I came up with in my years of research work.
One can measure the key distance of two events (pairwise) by a new quantum lens
function which focuses/defocuses probability distribution values in the system.
A scalar associated with a particle field by a factor of doubles of the speed of
light, or 2nc, doubling the probability and
distance correlation
between a particle pair can be measured with the assumption of having at least
one superposed qubit between an input state and output state with an energy
change needed to cause a phase transition. This makes, not only a strong
prediction of an event or a set of events possible, also rerouting energy states
and their transition (events known as a phase transition of one matter
state to another) for better efficiency of the system at every point in space
achievable. In major, system efficiency such as cooling vs. heating, symmetry,
equilibrium can be measured by employing this metric into a system as one
determines input/output states by sensors and thus their distances based on 2d
= 2nct, where t is the time of an event occurrence (state transition) on
any system scale. Copyrighted © 2012 [University of
Victoria, Canada]
A Thermodynamic Composition Technique through Quantum Key Distance and Lens Coding
Philip B. Alipour
The basic idea was presented on the day of my Ph.D. Candidacy
exam in April 2015 where I passed. Discussions were
on my research and latest discovery + invention (a new
non-equilibrium/equilibrium heat engine). It was
a lengthy process, 3 hours: in part my 20 minutes presentation,
the rest was
demonstrating my papers and contributions in three different fields: quantum
physics, engineering and computer science. See thesis
proposal under
Now working on my last milestone delivering my dissertation for the final
defense (in parallel work elsewhere and run a lab perhaps)
The basic
idea after the Ph.D. reserach work, is a thermodynamic
composition technique which satisfies equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of
a system. This is an invention model I have made but
need to build the first prototype incorporating components to
measure system efficiency on any scale in a lab: proper nano-materials
to build and test the prototype,
alternatively a simulation model. This will be the
last chapter among 6 chapters of my dissertation which is based on my other
three papers being finalized before publishing in prestigious journals.
The design is a combination of a lens coding
algorithm and a microchip hardware comprised of specific quantum
lensing components on a nanoscale which determines
state transitions. What it does, by using
photonic probes measures the distance between particles as sampled inside a
heat engine/system during a phase transition (e.g. a combustion event,
between fuel and air molecules), and my distance metric on a quantum level,
makes high level predictions in order to reroute energy paths in the system that
at the phase transition level determines whether the system
is acting inefficiently. So I make
strong predictions on the spot from a micro
motion detection level for a macro motion distribution of energy
states of particles during each phase transition. This
is based on a control support system using the algorithm where a user
will observe the event as a feedback loop and thereby make a choice in order to
agree/disagree with the given suggestion and consequently maximize the
engine's efficiency using my system.
Summary of work and application: Prediction of combustion events as a phase transition occurring in the system, is detected by using photonic probes and sensors once atoms are sampled within the engine. It makes accurate event predictions (data sampling and analysis from a quantum atomic/molecular scale) on a macro (large) scale in any heat engine built as a final product in numerous industries e.g. medicine (prediction on e.g., cells prone to cancer as a dynamical phase transition), aviation, automobiles, processors, meteorology, etc. The algorithm predicts events as an Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) suggesting alternative energy paths to the user by visualizing (image-based map) real-time data with feedback addressing atomic (non)-interactions from one point to another. So it is all about assuring quality in terms of maximizing system efficiency and performance.
This idea will attract big investors and companies on any scale which is in part my final Ph.D. thesis/defense in 2022. Any input from general public after its demonstration is valuable to enhance the application.
My research interests are as follows: Mathematical, Physical, Computer Science, Software, Electrical Engineering, Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence. For more, see Research Interests
My papers as either preprint or full publications are given in the publications section or visit my ORCID Profile.
Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, V8W 3P6, Canada,
ELW Room # A358,
Please book an appointment before seeing me via one of the following emails:
Universities (postgraduate and undergraduate):
University of Victoria, Canada '22
Ph.D., Electrical, Computer Engineering and Quantum Physics (GPA of A: cleared all courses prior to defense to be made in 2017)
Ph.D. Candidacy exam passed prior to defence. For more details you may visit thesis proposal under Publications or Presentations
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola,
Sweden '11
M.Sc., Computer Science (graduated with a GPA of A (US system), A+
(Canadian system))
University of Hull,
United Kingdom '07
B.Sc.-M.Sc., Computer Graphics Programming,
Hull School of Computing, University of Lincoln,
B.Sc. (Hons), Computing (Software Development), Engineering
Previous Projects:
COCLS -- Country cOnnectivity by Container Line Shipping Software, demonstrated in 2011 to the UN.
It is a comprehensive tool providing trade analysis & visualization in Google Earth. It can be used as a planning & optimization app to visualize best path b/w 2 countries based on real-time environmental, economic & technical factors; No. of Companies, Ships, Services & Shipments, TEUs & max. Ship Size. It also gives alternative routes.
The project was developed by: L. E. Henesey, Philip B. Alipour, D. Zall and M. Anwar.
See my presentation with Dr. L. Henesey on YouTube:
*** Letter of Recognition from UNCTAD was awarded in Oct. 2011. ***
Games and Computer Graphics Programming during my B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. years of education in the UK (see sample below: click on it for different view options)
More samples are viewable at:
UK's Proceedings of Royal Society A; Elsevier; ACM; IEEE, etc.
Referee on Scientific Publications (Peer-Reviewed) including ACM journals.
Length of time:
August 2007 - Present
Sweden and Canada (University of Victoria)
The Compulsory Force on force Principia: The Articulation of III Discoveries on
Notes: 2nd edition shall
be published in 2016-17
Length of time:
January 2007 - Present
UK, Sweden and Canada (University of Victoria)
Author of Scientific Books: Two published on
University of Victoria
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
Ph.D. Candidate/Fellow Researcher
Length of time:
January 2012 - Present
Victoria, BC, Canada
and Study, Fellowship by Current Topic and Discipline
Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2012 from Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
Ph.D. Graduate Award, 2013 from Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
TA Fundamentals Award, 2013 (with Commendation and Exemplary Level of Achievement), University of Victoria Learning and Teaching Center
UNCTAD Award (United Nations), Oct 2011; Project presentation available at and p.10 of UN's annual report at:
Top Referee of 2009 on Computational Physics, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, the Proceedings of Royal Society A Journal, UK *
B.Sc. Honors in Computing (Software Development), University of Lincoln, UK
* You
may click on the pdf poster web-link here:
Sponsored link from the Editorial Board of RSPA journal at:
Editor/referee's note: The 2009 RSPA journal Top Referees poster is strictly © Copyrighted, Issued: March 2010 DES1846, please do not redistribute or any sort of duplication or modification to elsewhere unless given an explicit permission from the author, referee or the Editorial Board of the journal.
Page Author: P. B. Alipour
Page last Modified:
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Copyright © 2010
English (UK)