MATHEMATICS 422/522 [A01, CRN 22036/22043] Spring 2018
Combinatorial Mathematics: Course Outline
Instructor: Jing Huang
Office: DTB A549 (721-7447; huangj at uvic dot ca)
Lectures: 15:30am - 16:20pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in CLE A207
Office Hours: 13:00 - 14:00 Monday and Wednesday. Other times by appointment.
Course Web: Look at -> Current Students -> Undergraduate/Graduate -> Courses -> 422/522. This page contains all of the information regarding the course.
Prerequisites: Math 212 or 233C; and 222 and 1.5 units of 300- or 400- MATH; or permission of the department
References: 1. Basic Techniques of Combinatorial Theory, Daniel I.A. Cohen, Prentice Hall; 2. Combinatorics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill; 3. Combinatorial Mathematics, G. MacGillivray; 4. Enumerative Combinatorics , A. Charalambides Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Topics: Advanced counting numbers, generating functions and partitions, rook polynomials, Ramsey theory, Mobius inversion, Polya's enumeration theorems, counting graphs. Topics may be expanded, omitted, or added, as time permits.
There will be five graded assignments throughout the term. The assignments will be posted on the course web. You will need to submit your solutions to the assignment questions in class on the due date (indicated on the assignment sheet) before the lecture starts. No late submission will be accepted. Assignments must be done neatly and contain complete explanations. Marked assignments will be returned to you in class (usually) within seven calendar days.
There will be a 50-minute in-class midterm test and a 3-hour final examination. The midterm test is scheduled on March 8. The final examination will be scheduled by the Records Office.
Grading Scheme:
(for Math 422 students)
Assignments 35%
Midterm Test 15%
Final examination 50%
(for Math 522 students)
Assignments 35%
Midterm Test 12%
Project 8%
Final examination 45%
Concessions are considered only in accordance with the section on Academic Concessions in the UVic Calendar in cases of illness, accident or family affliction. A note from a doctor or counsellor or varsity coach is required for any concession. In case when concessions are approved, we will apply the following scheme recover the percentage of the missed work:
(i) Missed assignments: Marks for midterm/final exam covering the same work will be substituted;
(ii) Missed assignments as well as midterm: make-up assignments will be given and the total will be calculated out of 85 (resp. 88) for Math 422 (resp. 522) and adjusted to a percentage.
If you have any question or concern about your scores on assignments/test, you need to bring it to my attention within seven calendar days of the date when the assignments/tests are returned to the class.
For homework assignments, collaboration with your classmates is encouraged but you must submit your own work (that is, all solutions must be written independently in your own words and reflecting your understanding).
Off-schedule Final Examinations are NOT given except in accordance with the university policy as outlined in the Calendar. If you are unable to write a final examination due to Illness, Accident, or Family Affliction, please refer to the following webpages for detailed instructions how to proceed: and
Final Exam Period: Students are strongly advised NOT to make final plans for travel or employment during the exam period since special arrangements will NOT be made for examinations that may conflict with such plans.
The only calculator which is allowed in the midterm test and in the final examination is the Sharp EL-510R or the Sharp EL-510RNB. It may be purchased at the UVic Bookstore or elsewhere.
All students are adviced to read Important Course Policy Information (see, which forms part of this course outline.
Some Important Dates:
Jan 16----Last day to withdraw from this course with 100% fee return
Jan 19----Last day for adding courses that begin in the second term
Feb 6-----Last day to withdraw from this course with 50% fee return
Feb 12-16---Reading break
Feb 28----Last day for withdrawing from this course without penalty of failure
Mar 8----Midterm test
Apr 7-24----Final exam period
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